Useful Tips for Facebook SEO 2.0

Useful Tips for Facebook SEO 2.0
Useful Tips for Facebook SEO 2.0

SEO has always been an extremely exciting area of online marketing. With social networks like Facebook, Google+ or Twitter platforms have emerged in recent years, also have a greater or lesser impact on the topic of SEO. At Google+ that is undisputed given by the mere fact that this social network just comes from the Google home. However, data that Google can tap public of Facebook and Twitter can be important.
A whole other topic in this context SEO is directly or Facebook. So how content on Facebook are best found internally? Previously this was really not a relevant issue, because the Facebook search was basically designed rather rudimentary and thus not really usable. With the graph search that has changed. The new feature offers many ways to be better found internally at Facebook - and it brings another search engine again more into play. What one must consider, then, when it comes to "Facebook SEO 2.0"?

Facebook Graph-Search is relevant

Do you have to make as SEO because of the Facebook Graph-Search ideas? You can ignore the subject does not, for that Facebook is simply too powerful - definitely a little bit. But we first briefly look into the past and we look at what Facebook SEO was previously …

Before it came Graph-Search , for example, a Facebook Page to optimize the content on Facebook so that this page made a good figure especially in Google. So you could use in various places keywords and provide as much information. That helped sometimes to make a Facebook page in the google search show near the top - and of course OffPage optimization was possible.

All this still applies if you want to be with a Facebook Page found at Google.However: due to the Graph-Search Facebook now offers an option of how content can be found directly on Facebook better. Compared to the old looking for a real progress. Also, you can now make yourself even more actively to ensure that their own Facebook page gets more attention.

Facebook wants Facts and Figures

It remains true: the profile of a Facebook Page should be as detailed as possible for Facebook SEO 2.0. All relevant information must be available. For searching is helpful. In addition, Facebook users generally want to inform you. The more interesting content so there is to report about their own company, the better.

The situation is similar in the content, posts a Facebook Page. Here, it is useful if there is a continuous flow of information. This does not only keep current and potential fans at the bar. It also ensures that Facebook itself recognizes that it is a more relevant page. More content means more interactivity. SEO for Facebook 2.0 a ranking factor.

You would not believe it, but a bit more relevant than ever actually gets Bing. The search engine from Microsoft, which has only a small market share in Germany is on Facebook with the boat. As the operator of a Facebook Page, this means that you can not necessarily just appear in the local search results only with the Page. It may also happen that results from Bing display. And here we have no good rankings, then this can mean a disadvantage. therefore time, at least to deal with SEO a bit also for Bing .

Benefits for local businesses

Facebook is not only a global and correspondingly huge network, it also has strong local references. In plain English: many companies that are operating locally, and not necessarily global or nationwide, cavort on Facebook. These companies are dependent on social interactions with local relevance. It is therefore advisable to ensure that you, for example, offers users a way to check. The Facebook Page should therefore also be a Facebook Place.

Also on the side of the local component interactions is not to be sneezed at. By involved locally with his Facebook Page, you can become an important and relevant source quickly in this very local context . In terms of Facebook SEO 2.0, this means that one can have important advantages over local competitors here if you behave accordingly.

And whether locally or globally: the appearance, so the Facebook Page itself should be professional and offer the user an experience. This begins with the cover photo goes on the tray and does not stop with good optical quality content such as images. For example, the local pastry can send pictures to present current cake creations easily on its Facebook Page. This has significant value firstly within Facebook and secondly ensures that from current and potential customers can be fans.

Graph search alternative to Google?

All this is of course connected with work, in the long run it can only be worthwhile to put more energy into the subject of Facebook SEO 2.0. Although the new graph search is not yet rolled out to many, because of it, the sheer mass of data that Facebook has, potentially represents a genuine alternative to Google Search.

What will also be extremely important in the future, is to network within Facebook. This can be accomplished through various channels, one of which is the organic growth of a Facebook Page, what can be accomplished usually with excellent content. But Facebook ads can be a solution. It is important to increase the range to as many potential fans will be achieved.

For what is in the Web search by Google, which has to be considered also in terms of Facebook SEO 2.0 in any case - a Facebook page with better content allows for more interaction, a lower bounce rate and a longer residence time. These factors play alongside in the new graph search a role. Most importantly, however, is an extensive network within Facebook.

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