Archive for May 2013

Infographic | SEO more effective than PPC and Social Media

Infographic | SEO more effective than PPC and Social Media

Provocative statement that applies, however, when one examines the number of leads generated. This has now done someone and the result on an infographic perpetuated. And since it is clear that SEO is still the main source on the Internet for new contacts and potential clients. More than 80% of all users around the world use every day search engines, and more than 50% of small and medium-sized enterprises falter their budget for SEO on. In the B2B even say almost 60% of all companies that SEO is your best source when it comes to making new contact and new business. B2C is still 41%. But what makes these figures so interesting?

SEO lives

Despite all the gloomy predictions in recent years, SEO is dead who ignored under any circumstances SEO in their marketing mix, has a problem. PPC and Social Media are currently namely not yet in a position to SEO to reach the water.

At least when it comes to generating leads, this is the primary message of the infographic. The figures confirm this: as SEO is both in the B2B and the issue of B2C for most new contacts responsible.

PPC and social media followed at No. 2 and 3 in comparison with PPC SEO cuts even better. This is partly because good SEO rankings are generally a long time. The traffic of a PPC campaign dried up when the ads will not appear.

Apples to oranges comparison?

The infographic is well prepared and clearly shows that SEO is a must for any modern strategy if one has taken up the cause to conduct meaningful and sustainable online marketing. And the comparison between SEO and PPC may sound more reasonable, this is not quite so easy to see in social media.

Social media follows in many areas completely different rules than is the case with SEO. Is it the subject of search engine optimization is to give an active seekers the opportunity to find the right information from their own initiative, it is turning to social media more likely to experience the world that you have to reinvent build permanent.

Social media has the "disadvantage" that you have people, for example, in social networks, actively respond and provoke to action, so there are certain reactions. This may be more traffic on your website, but need not be.

At SEO direct traffic to the website is always the goal. Especially because of this distinction between the two disciplines should in my view, always keep the marketing mix in the eye and so ensure that you extract of both worlds for the best.

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SEO for blogs

SEO for blogs
What is SEO?

SEO are the steps to follow so that your blog is up at all in Google. Why talk about Google? Because Spain is the search engine that everyone uses.

Google 83.24%
Yahoo! 8.16%
Bing 4.67%

Google has very interesting things, but above all a showcase to the world . If you are the number one, number two or number three on Google, people you will find . And if you find people, you can sell you things, or you can teach things, whatever your goal.

Google is composed of about 200 factors that are taken into account when uploading or downloading pages, none of these factors is determinative. It is the mixture of all of them making a page is up or is down.

There are factors such as the age of the domain . If your domain is older than your competitor have a plus. Not very important, but it is a small point that sum.

If your hosting site is in Spain and you want to go number one in Spain also have a plus.

Three factors must be taken into account to position a page

These are the factors that will make the difference between being up and being down.

1. Content

Content is king. If you have good content you have big advantages. In a blog post good content is a good article.

2. Backlinks

It is essential to have good links from other sites pointing to your site.

3. Social Networking

Google is considering increasing social networks people are using to share a story or article.

Position from scratch


For any online recommend WordPress project, not only for blogs, even online shops, for your company website can be used for a thousand things.

Why WordPress. In terms of SEO, WordPress is a program that has a very clean code and Google loves platforms with very clean code. It is very easy to read for Google. When it is easy to read, the ability to understand what you will want to teach in this page is greater, and it is easier to get it up later in the search.

We refer to , not free platform.

We must always add plugin WordPress SEO by Yoast . This plugin enhances a platform that already is very good and I will upload one more level.

When people start to share an article, you're going to Google hinting that this article is important.

Create content

The perfect content for SEO issues is a content of about 1,000 words, with three photos and a video.

Putting a video makes people stay longer on the page and that is one of 200 factors that gives a plus.

A good content , but without being spectacular 400 words and two photos.

And saved the limit would be 250 words and a photo . This would be the minimum.

Algorithm changes

Google Panda

It's a Google algorithm change that took a year and a half, and penalizes all pages that have content copied from other sites or have little content.

Google Penguin

With this algorithm, Google started penalizing pages that had too many keywords on inbound links and links of   poor quality.

Also criminalized blackhat , positioning technique in which you turn off Google guides to position a page. Using fraudulent methods. It has cut a lot, and now only works about 20% of what worked before.

Penguin 2.0

According to Google, is about to leave, and will finish the job, will finish off the last bad links that exist on the Internet.

Steps to follow to position from scratch

What seems natural

The best way to do SEO is that SEO appears . Good content and linking it go.

The content has to be spectacular for the links will come alone for what to get links from other sites. They must be of the same subject as yours and links must be in an article to write.

How do you get a natural link ? The natural link begins to ask friends share it on Twitter and Facebook. I send a little message and tell them, would you like them to me, give it to +1 or tuitearlo? That's how it starts the SEO.

If you suddenly have many link and then none for a while, it shows you've done SEO. It is better to go up little by little.


The next step is to enter a forum. Solve the doubts of the people in a forum. Try not to strain your link upon entering, because you're going to last two seconds in that forum. It brings something first and third or fourth message, plays enlacito to your page. These are links very basic , but also necessary, to give Google understand that growth is natural.


With the directories have to be a little careful, because the vast majority of the directories are already penalized. Directory links are good if they are inches. To see which ones are good and which are not, it is best to use Sistrix and see if the page is penalized (because traffic is has gone down). If you put a link on a page that is penalized, a small part of that penalty passed on to your page. never want to have links from sites penalized.

Alliances with blogs in your same theme

Form alliances with blogs in your same subject . Start with the people who are at your level . Put links to other similar blogs. I will see and then contact them.

Once you progress, you can go to the big gurus:
  • Says a lot in their blogs
  • Retweet your tweets
  • Speak well about them in the forums and Put them links to your blog
  • Write about them
  • Entrevístalos on your blog . I will share on Twitter.

Surely with time consigáis a good link from your blog, and a link from a blog with a lot of authority in your industry is the best link that you can get to your site, to grow and move up positions. Such links are worth getting.

Replicate competition links

Another good technique is to replicate the links of your competition. See who are the blogs that link. You can see with Sixtrix with Open Site Explorer and Ahrefs.

The forgotten

The forgotten within SEO are the internal links , those who are dedicated to SEO are always trying to get links from other sites, which other pages we put a link. There is another possibility easier when your blog already has some force, some authority, you can use internal links, you can link from one article to another, use keywords and have the strength of one item to another.

Internal links get distribute the force  that your blog can have, through all the pages in the blog, and with that we will ensure that all pages go up a little more on Google.

Linking to pages more authority than yours can draw attention from them. Can also produce an interesting effect. If five pages to write an article linking to multiple pages and yours authority, the authority of these pages are to yours.

Create contacts

If you want to go fast go alone
... If you want to go far go together

The contacts on the Internet and SEO issues are very important . Try creating very good contacts . They can get links links that you do not get it.

To be a good SEO Social engineering is needed, creativity and pour ...

There you get the links that your competitors can not get , these bonds are what make the difference . These links are the ones to get your page is above the rest.

How to perform SEO on your blog? , I'd like you told us in the comments of this page. If you enjoyed this article,  share it on your social networks . If you do not want to miss the next items subscribe  to this  blog.

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The right lighting for your home

The right lighting for your home
Lumina lights for better quality of light, transparency and lots of glass are the basic recipes for the series Aurora by Lumina. The partially handcrafted lamps have a quirky design that accesses modern technology and produces by reflecting an additional reflection of the glass edges. The lights fit to classic and modern facilities and spread a pleasant bright light, which wegstrahlt of the wall. The lower part is held in matt silver metal and has a modern design. Different table lamps offers Lumina with Daphine series, which are simply held and focused on functional and pleasant light rather than design. This table lamp is available in black and silver and in various designs, which can be placed according to your taste and room on your desk. From the series Faretto T is a ceiling lamp made ​​of metal, which has a 360 degree rotating reflector comes with an electric transformer. By construction, it is possible to rotate the lamp in all directions. By the way, you can shop online Lumina lights and have it delivered to your home.

May it be a matching carpet that?

Anyone looking for new carpets to be shopping in the Internet instead of in stores on online portals to have greater choice and be able to buy cheaper. Hardly a business offering all articles and until one has visited all the shops, it takes too much time and nerves. Anyone have specifically examined this, so can quickly save time and money and use the Internet for their purposes. The Tretford is available in many colors and fabrics available in the sling, sisal or velor. The carpet is durable and therefore suitable for the business and residential area. The surface comfort, as well as the stress level and the manufacturing process can be selected specifically for their needs and wishes and customize the new flooring so his needs. Who an order Tretford now wants to online should the colors and pattern View and gets within 3-7 business days the rug delivered to your door.

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SEO for YouTube videos

SEO for YouTube videos
Are you uploaded to YouTube every minute 72 hours of new videos. Since a video can already go down once. Especially when you've hardly even channel subscribers, you have visitors from other sources relate.

In this article, we will go to the on-page and off page optimization of YouTube videos.

I try with this article to give you a help at hand to achieve top rankings with your YouTube videos into Google.

Disseminate YouTube video

Today's fastest spreading viral videos, so by sharing on social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Co.

But to trigger such a viral effect is not easy.

One possibility is the Google search dar. your video covers a specific, often sought, you should use keyword from this source of visitors in any case.

The visitors, who pay attention to your video on the Google Search are all the potential candidates that could trigger a viral effect.

Why use a video from YouTube?

Google uses more and more on so-called "trusted domains". These are trusted websites that are already there long, have a good link, are known and have many web requests. How accurate is composed everything and all purely natural factors which count only Google knows itself

YouTube is Google since 2006 and is thus more or less automatically a "trusted domain". This allows YouTube videos to be far easier placed in the Google search, as a video that was uploaded on a small video portal.

How to achieve a good ranking with a YouTube video in Google Search will now be explained in more detail.

There are two basic guidelines:

Take full advantage of that YouTube offers (comments, video responses, likes, title, description, tags, etc.)
Give the search engines a clear indication of what it is in the video (or want to be with what keyword found). Use the title, description, file name, comments, anchor text, etc., for the placement of your keywords.

Onpage optimization

In the on-page optimization title, description and tags can be forgiven.

The most important thing is the title. If the search word in the title that's the first month's rent. I have titles of videos that were to be found at number 50 + in the Google results changed. No later than one hour after the videos with appropriate off page optimization were (I'm still on it below a) on the first page represented.

The description is in our testing along with the video length, the second most important. In the description, the same applies as with other texts. Keywords at the beginning and the end of the text. Links must be set and the text should be at least five sentences long.

The video length should be at least one minute. On the one hand cut from this length videos in the video search better and also watch YouTube users now prefer 1-3 minute videos than 10-seconds or 20-minutes video.

Tags and file name of the video are rather unimportant, but should also be fitted with the search word for the above-mentioned "unique character".

Also video responses below the video a positive contribution to the ranking. To what extent I can not say exactly.

Comments and Likes are especially important in the long term. In the beginning, many positive comments and Likes / Dislikes money good effect on the ranking. There are more comments and likes less initially but the effect is less negative.

Should in order to get comments and likes it best in the video and in the video description to point to post a comment. 

Off page optimization

Even more important than on-page factors are links to your video. Here, you can rely mainly on various bookmarking portals. At least still works quite well at the moment.

If a video can rank more natural and safe as backlink building to be operated as well as websites.

Overall, one should pay attention to a variety of link and video embedding. The links you can use the search word with 65-80% for anchor text. The video should eventually get no penalty.

The bookmark links have the particular advantage that you can push on the first page of Google within 24 hours with the help of this video. But one must then sometimes 1-2 hours work accepted.

An example of such a video is my video for the New Year's Day 2013. It climbs so far in the English Google still ranked 1 of 2 billion! Search results.

Although it is a long tail "New Year's Day 2013," but nevertheless significant, which may be submitted for placement with YouTube videos.

Another example is my YouTube video for "Howard Carter" was uploaded early May 2012 and is the German Google Search still be found on page 1st

Connect YouTube with Google Analytics
As for websites, you can use his Google Analytics account for YouTube. The Analytics data fall slightly different than in websites and YouTube directly to / analytics displayed.

For example, where the playback locations (mobile, embedded on an external website, YouTube) are displayed. There is also a representation of the user interactions. That is, it changes subscribers, as well as ratings, comments, and sharing the videos displayed on social media channels.

But for the latter I recommend more other tools, how to use the addon Seitwert.


All SEO factors for YouTube videos I again Forme in a pie chart in this graph illustrates.

I would recommend optimizing YouTube videos in any case for topics that you yourself would search on Google. All the "fun videos" as "100 epic fails" or "hangover goes water skiing" spread virally rather than that they be searched by search engines and found.

Another clue, if your keyword is visited, offers you the Google Adwords Keyword Tool .

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Colorful lighting for the home

Colorful lighting for the home
Not just in discos and shops can provide color backlight. Equally at home in your own home LED lamps provide the right ambiance.

Colorful color selection

Available in the online shop, the LED lights are also. Around the clock here you can order the desired products and can deliver.

It's practical however, is that they do not need to travel a path to business, yet one has to transport lighting itself. The provider of the online shops provide for the delivery of LED products and in no time you can mount it at home and use.

Depending on the desired mood, LED lamps can already orders in a variety of colors. Ranging from red, orange, yellow to green to blue to violet, many shades are available. By the color-drenched lighting of each room gets a very special atmosphere.

Some colors make for peace and balance. Still others will launch and revitalize the body in motion. Such lights with LED lights can also recreation centers such as spas and find like. The rest rooms are illuminated in saunas and such one or another hairdresser takes advantage of the power of color in the washrooms of his establishment to pamper the customers and relax.

Hard to believe, what power have colors on the human body and how these affect our psyche. Advertising experts know this already since a long time. Slowly, these experiences also feed into the domestic households and implemented there. It is always advisable in a space that is exploited as an office and work space to use another LED lamp, as in the bedchamber or in the nursery.

Colors and lighting change the feeling of space considerably, thereby one must of course not necessarily use an LED light.

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What is the impact of link building on your success in SEO?

What is the impact of link building on your success in SEO?
A few years ago one was seo optimization website for the A and O to have success with this, since this optimization is divided into two components: the on-component - this relates to the site itself and the off-component - this relates to the topic backlinks.

For the on-component one needs a website with good lyrics that have matching tags, but also meet the demands of Google and co. Only then, Google's search engine on this page, but it is very far behind in the rankings.

To change this you need the off-component , the backlinks. To set a backlink you need a good text on the website, a few good keywords for Google and within the text or two keywords that are linked with the website.

Google and Co also register them online texts and in related backlinks. These search engines need high quality backlinks to a website to be able to assign a rank. The higher the rank, the earlier the website appears in a search query with the appropriate keywords to the website. For the ranking of the number of existing backlinks to the website plays an important role - they are like a currency for search engines like Google have become. The more good backlinks - the higher the rank of a website.

Now you can of course create any backlinks, but whether this will satisfy the demands of Google and Co is another question. Therefore, there is a lot to consider when link building, set back so that the links can be also used by Google for ranking.

Moreover, this is link building is a time consuming thing. Not only that there must be a certain amount of set of backlinks, but this should be set to be always for a long time effectively. This requires a lot of patience.

In order to concentrate on his website, and if it can, for example an online shop is in the sale of goods to focus, it is helpful to get even for the off-component professional help, which then performs a professional link building for this very website without having to worry about as the owner of a website.

Professional link building has the advantage that repeatedly backlinks are placed over a certain period of time, besides that, these backlinks represent quality backlinks, which are capable to make your own website quickly move up in the search engines rankings - so bring a few more links as years of working with unprofessional backlinks that will if it goes badly rated by the search engines negative and promote the website in ranking down, so further back - in the case of Google, the page 20 mean in the search results then definitely.

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Search engine optimization (seo) - Tips for beginners

Search engine optimization (seo) - Tips for beginners
"All business is local" is an old Anglo-Saxon merchant award. At the same time also for performance-oriented small and medium-sized online marketing imperative. Many of your potential new customers will first search online for a supplier of the requested product or service required.

In addition to the placement over the web and in the app with a free ad , is also search engine optimization is another way to place online. The optimization of own ranking in a search engine is called SEO (English for search engine optimization).

Learn from the mistakes of others and consider you or your technical service provider / agency following 10 SEO Tips:

1. Do not design your articles too short, provide value-added content and increase. Thus the retention of users on your site

2. Customize the website an HTML document with a <title> the source code.

3. Create a list of relevant search terms, called keywords . Use this specifically in the text.

4. Abstain from the use of JavaScript.

5. Ensure a logical structure of your HTML documents. <h2> Headline should be connected to <h1> and be followed by <h3>. Use the <h1> heading only once on each side.

6. Do not use Flash, it is best to HTML 5

7. Do not use graphics instead of a title, the content of graphics because Google can not read.

8. Reduce the excessive use of meta tags . For example, the Meta tag for "description" makes sense, but the meta tag "keywords" is not relevant.

9. Look for a good URL design. Searches should be placed as far forward in the URL.

10. Strive. Provide quality backlinks (quality over quantity)

Classic SEO there is no longer reads a recent headline. But do not let that confuse you. What is meant is that it matters more than ever, in any action on sound content and the interaction becomes more and more important with the online users.
the source code.<br /> 3. Create a list of relevant search terms, called keywords . Use this specifically in the text.<br /> 4. Abstain from the use of JavaScript.<br /> 5. Ensure a logical structure of your HTML documents. <h2> Headline should be connected to <h1> and be followed by <h3> . Use the <h1> heading only once on each side.<br /> 6. Do not use Flash, it is best to HTML 5<br /> 7. Do not use graphics instead of a title, the content of graphics because Google can not read.<br /> 8. Reduce the excessive use of meta tags . For example, the Meta tag for "description" makes sense, but 9. the meta tag "keywords" is not relevant.<br /> 10. Look for a good URL design. Searches should be placed as far forward in the URL. Strive. Provide quality backlinks (quality over quantity)</p> <br /> <p align="justify"> Classic SEO there is no longer reads a recent headline. But do not let that confuse you. What is meant is that it matters more than ever, in any action on sound content and the interaction becomes more and more important with the online users.</p>

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Penguin 2.0 | what will change for SEO?

Penguin 2.0 | what will change for SEO?

Penguin 2.0 Reloaded

For those who were asleep in recent months (it's time to come out of hibernation, spring has arrived!), Google Penguin , the update used to penalize sites overoptimising in particular with techniques of link spamming, has undergone several updates (1.1, 1.2 ) useful for improving its effectiveness in going to seek actions link bulding too artificial and spammose.

This time, however, it seems something changed, where want to get Google? Suffice it to say that the update is not called as "Penguin 1.3" but directly "Penguin 2.0", an unmistakable sign of a significant change! We know for sure that the actions of Link Building should be designed ad hoc, that the old techniques " Black Hat "are now outdated and you must try to get inbound links as possible from reliable sources and possibly high trust, with anchor text and title are always different and spontaneous as possible.

In the video Matt Cutts says exactly: "high quality content", a phrase that does not leave room for any doubt. Remains always the same no doubt that the SEOpocalisse occasionally shows up, but the SEO is dead? No! The SEO is not dead is probably the last thing is that even in the most secret rooms in Mountain View want.

The SEO is simply evolving, like everything else. We always want more cars performance and technologically advanced electronic devices are increasingly able to increase the quality of our lives, apartments can guarantee safety and energy savings. Google is certainly not exempt from innovation, indeed! Must be returned to the user a SERP always better, more and more able to respond to questions from its users in a simple, straightforward manner. And this innovation has a comet (pass me the term) well lit: the content! You should not focus only on the content of course, a pyramid is always the need to have a strong foundation on which to support, but it makes the tip of the majestic monument.

It will be a hot summer, the Penguin, Penguin said 2.0, will leave his natural habitat at the South Pole to dive into the warm waters of the SERP in early summer and create panic among the insiders. But why all this scaremongering? It seems that anyone involved in SEO must necessarily revive a kind of "rat hunt" where the role of Sylvester are worn by the dreaded Big G.

Google is definitely not a friend, that is a bit self-serving (and self-interest ...) and to the satisfaction of its users ... but also familiar with the work of SEO, know their experiments and the importance of their work! You probably do not want to delete them, but try to "smacchiarli" as much as possible ...

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SEO Onpage 10 rules for positioning a website in Google

SEO Onpage 10 rules for positioning a website in Google
When it comes to positioning a website in Google, there are two factors that play a decisive role. The SEO Onpage all techniques applied within the page. And the SEO offpage all techniques applied outside of the page. This entry and the rules mentioned here, are focused on onpage seo , I suggest you implement when building an entry for your blog.

We must not confuse onpage SEO with onsite SEO. When we speak of onpage SEO, basically we focus on the keyword and the rules applied to an entry in your blog. This includes using a proper header, good quality of content and where to write the keywords among others. We will look at each of these aspects in detail.

Why use onpage SEO for SEO?

When we do onpage seo, means that we follow a set of rules that are tested and they work to keep the first web search engine ranking positions. Now appear in Google goes beyond doing onpage SEO, it is also about the viral factors such as an article on social media, as often as people shared, quantity and quality of incoming links to the article and many other factors of SEO offpage. But fully optimizing our entry, we stimulate the way the search engine picks up and reads the keyword and favor the best positions in Google applying all other rules of SEO. Instead of receiving visitors randomized long-tail keywords and low demand, we began to receive visits by specific keywords and medium and high demand.

10 rules of onpage SEO for search engine optimization:

So, here are the 10 rules we apply onpage seo bloggers to position in Google and get more visitors to our blog:

1. The title tag:
The factor that plays the most important onpage SEO is the title of the entry. We must make sure to use specific keyword at the beginning of the title tag. We must not repeat the same word several times and we must limit to 65 characters with spaces. Nor is it advisable to make a very short title tag.

2. Permalinks and friendly urls:
Then we look at the friendly url of the entrance, which is known as WordPress permalinks. Again it is important that we use the specific keyword at the beginning of the url friendly. We should avoid using special characters as symbols, brackets and commas. The ideal is that we use words and dashes to separate them.

3. Headings:
We use headings to divide content in the doorway. The h1, h2, h3, h4 and marked in bold headings and subheadings. By default WordPress title mark as h1 tag in the body of the entry. It is good to repeat many times the h2 and h3 as it is considered bad SEO applied and remove points.

4. Density:
You must enter the main keyword to a density of 2%, and write in the content, once in the first paragraph and the last paragraph. You should use bold, italic and underlined to emphasize important words and phrases for your input. A WordPress bloggers using Yoast SEO recommend to calculate this density. I personally use Easy WP SEO . To calculate the density of a given website click here.

5. Meta Tags:
You must add a meta description and meta keyword unique and relevant to each blog entry. You must use again the keyword specified in the meta description and the meta keywords tag. The meta description should not exceed 160 characters with spaces. You write tags friendly people and get a good click through rate or CTR. It is important to know that Google does not give value to the meta keywords tag, although other search engines like Bing still give it.

6. Images:
The onpage SEO for images is important as it relates traffic from Google search for images of. But the fact that images containing the keyword in the name, image title and image alt, make entry even more relevant in the natural search results. Add one or more images to your post. You must add keywords as part of the name and the alt. The images make our entrance more pleasant to read for people, but keep in mind that images are light to avoid damaging the load times. If you add images to your post heavy, this is going to be affected in searches because Google now considers the loading time as one of the most important SEO factors.

7. Number of words in the content:
It is common to see a blog entry appearing well in the natural search results of Google, if it is short or very few words. Then you must add entries with more than 300 words. Research well about a topic, read posts on other blogs, and brace for high demand keywords, although they are usually very competed, achieving top positions in the rankings of Google get significant traffic volume.

8. Internal Links:
You need to link related entries on your blog. Making send traffic between articles, you increase the time spent on the site and you complement the current entry with other content. Do not wear many outgoing links. When you recommend other entries in your blog you should use natural links that are inserted in the paragraph and that have keywords in the anchor text.

9. External Links:
The above rule talks about linking your own articles. This rule states that it is good to link other websites other than yours and that will help the reader to find more information. When you external links, pointing to reliable websites and blogs. If you have questions about the websites target label uses nofollow so will avoid passing page rank. Among friends and trusted websites and use dofollow and page rank you spent some people and places you care about. To control follow and nofollow tag in WordPress plugin I recommend the Follow / Nofollow Control.

10. Content:
Write compelling content. Write content that will be useful to readers without expecting anything in return. Write content that will inspire your readers to read the entire entry and spend more time on it, otherwise this will be reflected in high bounce rates that are frowned upon by Google. Quality content also generates comments that Google considers as more content, updates of your post and conversation.

Now you know the rules and how to apply. Once you write and publish the content is good to keep track of keywords and see the position on Google. For that I recommend a Andriod application called SerpMojo. It is free and monitors your keyword positions in Google, Yahoo, Bing and is updated once a day or falls by showing improvements in search engine rankings.

Here are 10 rules of seo onpage you should consider for positioning a website in Google. Apply them and you will be one step closer to appear in search results. If I miss a rule you know, share in the comments section.

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The purpose of search engine optimization

The purpose of search engine optimization
To be successful with your own website, there is no way for the search engine optimization around. But what exactly is meant by the optimization and why is in this context, often by the search engine optimization Google 's speech? And is a form of intervention in this sense at all?

Google and the search results

To be successful with a website requires more than just engaging content. For the best graphics, the most amazing design and informative content are completely useless if the page has seen no visitors. And this is where search engine optimization. For Search more than 70% of Internet users and find their concerns about search engines. Therefore, site operators try to adapt their performance to these same search engines. For only he who is found likely to be successful on the Internet. 

Yet it is precisely with regard to the selection of the search engines, it should be pretty easy from the operator's point of view. Your own website should be to optimize Google search and also for good reason. Because of the current market share in Germany is well over 90%. So who is listed well in Google results, which reaches almost all Internet users in Germany.

Even the man?

Now you can capture so that it is possible with the appropriate search engine optimization to increase visitor numbers significantly. The higher the position in the search results, the more people are just attracted to one's own side. But as so often in life are between theory and practice, after all worlds. Especially one must be aware beforehand that search engine optimization is a long term investment. Short-term success will be rarely seen. And in search engine optimization experience and knowledge is required. While it is relatively easy to find out about this topic. The application itself, however, is more complicated. It is precisely in optimizing websites for search engine errors can have disastrous consequences. There are many webmasters who are catapulted into nirvana with half knowledge of search results. Shall apply also here that in case of doubt, it should be an expert to draw. Only then can the search engine optimization lead to long-term success and increasing visitor numbers.

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Tire change - Recommendations

Tire change - Recommendations

In autumn and spring is in the change of the season tire for many drivers. Before each season tires many drivers consider whether the stored tires are still operational. In any case it is advisable to check the tires and the entire car to safety and functionality before the start of the new season. For the wheels, the tire tread, the general condition, the age of the tires and the tire pressure is taken into account.

Tread depth and quality used tires

To obtain, for example, in heavy rain, good driving, the tire profile plays a crucial role. Inadequate profile significantly increases the risk of aquaplaning. For this reason, the law prescribes a minimum tread depth of 1.6 millimeters. The recommendations of vehicle experts be considerably higher depending on the tire type. Their tires in many cases unevenly, for this reason, one should measure the tire tread at various locations, for the lowest value is relevant in the measurement.

The quality of the tires also suffers from improper storage. For example, levels of harm frosty cold rubber of tires for the summer. Who keeps his tires properly longer takes pleasure in his tires. Before changing a tire, tires should be taken in all cases holistically inspected. If no external changes are visible, then the tire is the change nothing in the way.

Checking tire Age

According to the legislation, the tire manufacturers are required to provide each tire with the date of manufacture. If the tread depth is not below the minimum limit and the tire is not damaged, most of all-weather, winter and can Summer be gone for years. Emergency wheels should be replaced immediately after use or when unused condition after 6 years.

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A home lift can significantly improve the everyday lives

A home lift can significantly improve the everyday lives
For the disabled or elderly people climbing the stairs is often a major challenge. For this reason, more and more people opt for a home lift or a disabled lift. For people who can not move particularly well and live on a higher floor, lift means a lot more this kind of quality of life. If you have, for example, purchases, you're not getting more dependent on foreign assistance to the stuff in the upper floor level. By a home lift or a disabled lift one has a barrier-free access in the building. Particularly in private homes, more and more homeowners are opting for installation of a home elevator or a disabled lift. When spread over many floors are many parties, such installation is a significant advantage for all residents.

There are various designs in home elevator and the disabled lift. Depending on how often it is used, it has a corresponding motor output. Not only in private houses you will find the accessibility of transport, but often also in public buildings. Numerous offices and medical centers are now equipped with them. Due to the high frequenting these models, other rules apply. As with all products, there is a DIN standard here. Who wants to be a home lift or a special elevator installed in his house, who can purchase a standard model or can make one. The alterations in compliance with often limited. The lifts are often easily adapted to the structural situation and the installation often proves to be characterized as easily. The easiest way is of course, if you already in the planning of a home or the home elevator for the disabled lift to this ideal involves inserting into the building. However, this is not always the case and so a lift is for example also subsequently mounted in an old building.

You can get a home lift or a disabled lift attach not only inside a building, but also outside. Is not always given sufficient space to install a lift so you can also mount it outside. When the construction of a home elevator or a disabled lift is planned that future users should be involved in the construction of places. Their needs, provide significant improvements in lifts. Of course, the design of each home lift or disabled lift can be chosen by customers. There are different models that exist, for example, stainless steel or glazed. It all depends on how much space you have available and how often the means of transport used. An emergency call system and automatic door openers are of course available in all models. Normally, the cabin size for three to six people is built. Many a home lift or elevator is disabled but also to carry much more weight in the situation. The speeds of the various models are of course different. Another benefit of a home elevator or a disabled lift to the relatively low operating and maintenance costs. After installing the lifts must be approved by an expert, so that correct operation can be guaranteed.

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Personal liability insurance is very important

Personal liability insurance is very important
Personal liability insurance for what?

Your private liability assumes its expenses for the damage to other objects as well as unfortunate people. Initiate, for example, a personal injury, the personal liability insurance to pay the expenses for the medical treatment, any rehab - check out as well as the old-age pension for the sick woman. Especially all the financial costs with a possible personal injury can be extremely costly. Normally a private property for compensation of damages or restitution is not enough. At this point, quickly sums come together in the context million. All are still damage as initiator according to the legal obligation to pay for the damage they cause. Even in the event that it moves to that you have to go into debt to death. So you are protected from this material results of the disadvantage, you should always buy insurance early. Use the insurance tariff and price comparison on the World Wide Web to determine the dirt-cheap and extensive PHV.

Private liability insurance who is included in insurance coverage

Girls and boys up to seven, as well as on the road under ten years of age are incapable way, which also means that there is no liability in connection with these losses will be accepted. Above all, this can be extremely uncomfortable for father and mother. In most cases the losses are repaid from its own assets to avoid conflict with the injured party. Loss unhaftbarer girls and boys should, however, be insured under the liability. Add a personal liability insurance all infants are usually hedged until the age of eighteen. To ensure the continuation of insurance, should be adhered to special conditions. Because of the many threats to personal liability is indispensable. Selbige secures the insured and the children before the bankruptcy and financial damage is triggered. Everyone should have a meaningful private liability complete.

A personal liability has different obligations. If such an incident, checked a personal liability at the beginning of their liability policyholders. If that damage or exposure to questionable high-priced, the insurance company any damage intercepts. Is this damage lawful satisfy an insurance company any damage. Those so the task has to wonder about the damage to intercept and to regulate.

Add a personal liability insurance property damage, personal injury and property damage are covered. Personal injury, for example, Exitus, injury and / or accident of people. The succession of such damages can be numerous. As expenses for treatment, restitution, loss of earnings, costs Beer manure and / or a lifelong monthly pension can be claimed. Is associated with such a potential loss no liability insurance exist, under what circumstances can so threaten their existence. Material damage refers to damage as well as the demolition of an object. Here, the expenses of such errors elimination are quickly taken, and / or cons for obtaining a current value of the thing is settled. Financial losses are impairments that affect another person, another thing an injured party.

Liability online comparison

Each prize personal liability associated with the post. The personal liability test is very appropriate. It can be chosen between single people as well as members of collective principle. In order to compare the liability, the insurance benefits intended to be recorded. The powerful PHV should not be expensive. There are plenty of affordable liability insurance, which have a wide range of services. The PHV premium comparison a deductible should be completed in the insurance case to reduce the insurance price. Whether a cheap or expensive private liability insurance is chosen, it should always read their terms will deep, so in case of power surprises both .... as well as to prevent performance cancellations. With tens of personal liability insurance of all tests, the differences are shown. So that the selection is facilitated.

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Arnette - sunglasses from California!

Arnette - sunglasses from California!
Slowly the sun can look back more often and who has not yet, should definitely set a new sunglasses. Especially popular are the models of Arnette. The Arnette brand was founded by the surfer Greg Arnet, who does not miss shaft. In his native California Greg Arnet is known as a sore thumb. He has exploited to bring his sunglasses on the beaches of California to the man this awareness. After he could make his sunglasses known by surfers around the world, Greg had made also to other areas of sport to advance. Within a short time it has managed to win the sports fields skate, snowboarding, BMX and Wake for Greg. Meanwhile, the sunglasses from Arnette have penetrated even to the street. Arnette sunglasses impress with their stylish shapes and their lightweight, durable material. The design of Arnette Sunglasses is exceptional and particularly in obese young and stylish generation. The durable and sturdy materials of Arnette Sunglasses hold any extreme situation was.

Discover in Streetwear Shop choice of stylish Arnette sunglasses and buy you your favorite model quickly and safely to your home. On that occasion, you should also look into the sale area of bulging throw brandcatcher. Here you can find with safety always with which you can complete your style one or the other bargains. If that is not enough you should stop by the deal of the day of brandcatcher. The deal of the day offers you every day to a different deal at an unbeatable price. Up to 80% are not uncommon here. If you want to know in advance when to expect which deal, simply subscribe to the newsletter of brandcatcher. So you can get early in the week an overview of the upcoming deals so that you know exactly when you should put on the best deals for you Lauer.

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Find home care service

Find home care service
Older we all! Provided us with a good health is bestowed, one can appreciate more than happy to physical fitness and cognitive performance also still work well. 

Yet not everyone is this lucky bencher. OF it even looks completely different!

Outpatient Care

Germany, although many complain about an outstanding health system. Yes, it is expensive, and the insurance we often take off more than it would be necessary at this time with overflowing coffers. But people who are sick are glad about it. Even if the health insurance also save these people, save and save again! But one thing remains: the patient care services! The network of ambulatory care services is actually well spun. Whether you are looking for care services in Ingolstadt or ambulatory care services in Hamburg. You can always find one. However, not every nursing service is the right for every patient. Again, it is like in life. On the chemistry that counts. And not every person is with others of its kind to oppose the same.

Care services will be held in Hamburg quickly look far

Who gets into the situation for relatives to find a home care service, often taking the first-best is just there. The main thing taken care of! Or you can listen to acquaintances who have heard of times someone who is "The nursing service" should be good. But a way out of a list of contacts to find care services, many have not. Therefore, the nursing service is a great way various patient care services in Hamburg to see at a glance all contact with so truly find the home care service for the care of their own other dependents with the best members get along. Care lives of relationships! And this form of initiation of relationship and respect is the most important in the course of nursing time.

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Travel Planning

Travel Planning
The big trip to the language course needs good planning. On the one hand are planning a broad overview of the stations and on the other hand, it gives information about where potential risks / overlaps are present. There are two types of spontaneous travel planning with clues and heavily structured planning. Whether the "I-have-all-in-hand" or the "I-leave-it-to-me-come" strategy goes, does not matter.

Plan route

The destination is fixed and the flight / rental car is booked. Now the route planning can begin. Aimless driving around the holiday destination has a lot of disadvantages. You missed sights and beautiful places, because you drive by in ignorance.

Before the trip is worth studying a guide, or read blogs about the destination. Lots of useful information such as opening times, threats and statements are well described in the major guidebooks. Online Travel reports contain personal information along with good reviews and also recommendations. With sites like TripAdvisor Customers write their recession hotels and destinations. The independent authors write it honestly from their own experiences and warn of any possible black sheep.

To handle all the flood of information and to forget any interest, it is necessary to write down the main points. Pen and paper are entirely sufficient. Writing down not only gives an overview of all the attractions, but also holds personal preferences. The notes have not ordered or weighted in a first phase. Important is the collection of all ideas. In a second phase to work through the list and highlights personal highlights, underlines and viable places of interest from the list that are not important, or lack of time.

Last but not least, the list is placed in the correct order. At the end of the destinations are located in a geographically logical sequence. The geographical arrangement not only saves time and mileage, but also saves valuable fuel. Google Maps can easily be calculated the route, an alternative route will be found and the program receives valuable information about the distance and navigation to the destination.

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Buying a villa in Mallorca

Buying a villa in Mallorca
It is most comfortable at home, as they say, and this is especially true if you live in your own property. Of course, also the hiring of advantages, especially for people who have to move for professional reasons often or do not want to bind other reasons. Most people have but to strike sooner or later the desire roots and would like to live in a house or an apartment. This has many advantages, since in principle one can do within the four walls, and leave what you want, you can make your living space according to your needs or change the structure and needs to be afraid either before rent increases before a dismissal for personal use.

What is home, which can also apply on holiday and when you spend your vacation in the same place regularly, then at some point the question arises whether the purchase of a house may be an alternative. Many German are pleased to Mallorca and since the connections to this beautiful Balearic island are also excellent, there is also a large real estate market. Among the keywords Villa Mallorca buy is found via an Internet search engine quickly a wide range in the segment of high-quality real estate. If one already knows the island well and is confident the region in which the property is available, you can refine your search and get in this way already has a short list. A particularly popular region is the area around Andratx, because apart from the scenic beauty you will also find a marina. Recommended is definitely the visit to a specialist insurance broker who is familiar also in legal matters and is the side with all the authorities. 

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Necessary insurance for individuals

Necessary insurance for individuals
There are hundreds of different insurance companies, you can almost conclude an insurance policy against anything, but what insurances are actually attached? We offer a list of the most recommended insurance and make clear what they are each suited.

the liability insurance
This policy can obviously be regarded as one of the most sensible private insurance in Germany. This insurance occurs when you cause damage to a third party. This refers to persons and property. A liability insurance is to have currently extremely reasonably priced, the individual insurance companies can be compared to an insurance comparison eg

- The insurance

This insurance is highly recommended for first home owners, it eventually covers all by fire, water, theft and damage caused burglars.

- The private health insurance

The majority certainly know that health insurance is required by law and this is fine as! However, against a private health insurance offers great advantages over the statutory health insurance.

- The life insurance

Life insurance is actually a savings account. Every month is paid a certain amount of money, this is including interest at Death or upon reaching a specific time, which is determined in advance, paid.

- The car insurance

Of course, the car insurance is an absolute must for every driver, but there are also big differences there. Requires an insurance company insurance coverage per calendar year will the next 700 euro 1300 euro. With auto insurance, the savings potential is greatest of all insurance companies, be sure to make a car insurance comparison, in which the insurance companies in terms of price and performance are compared.

I hope us it was possible for you to explain this a little different insurance companies and help you in deciding which policies are useful for you. Visit to renew our insurance comparison on free to compare companies against each other and all your knowledge about insurance.

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Training with perspective: Media designer

Training with perspective: Media designer
The training professional media designer's new federally regulated since 2007. Because of the change in the existing and new graphical technologies career fields have been merged into this modern apprenticeship. The doctrine is recognized by the Vocational Training Act and the Crafts Code (hwo). The dual training program lasts three years and combines practical training in companies of school education in the vocational school. There are two occupations in media design: The media image and sound designers and media designer for digital and print.

The teaching as a media designer for digital and print is available in different disciplines. In the last year of training, the trainees specialize in one of the disciplines:

Design and visualization, as well as advice and planning
Design and technology.

The media designer specializing in design and visualization to create concepts for digital and print products. They use text, graphics, illustrations, video and audio so that the statement that the client wants to communicate, effectively visualized. In an early phase of the contract they consider that the concept can be realized both technically and economically.

In the field of consulting and planning they serve customers. They work primarily in the marketing departments of large companies and advertising agencies or in technical sales. They plan and prepare quotes and coordinate projects between internal departments and the customer.

Media designer specializing in design and technology use printed materials such as flyers, brochures or catalogs and electronic applications such as websites, computer games or e-books to technical. You are responsible for planning and preparation. You learn to control the production and computer software to develop independently in the digital and print products.

The job of a media designer requires both imagination and a high degree of accuracy. The young trainees must especially have a good eye for color and form and be able to independently develop concepts that the visually and lyrically reflect exactly what the customer wants to testify.

Who wants to learn this profession, should be a team player and sociable. Those who want to work in a high tech environment, you have to adapt to the constantly new, for this training is a varied job with good future prospects.

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Fantastically beautiful tiles of natural stones

Fantastically beautiful tiles of natural stones
So that one feels comfortable in an apartment, this should be optimally set and meet your own taste. Is important to have large windows that bring in natural light into the living room. A pleasant atmosphere is only guaranteed if cozy and handsome furniture is available, also the floor should allow a comfortable kick feel and also be easy to maintain. Floor coverings are available in all possible variations. As particularly noble is in the living room, a heat-giving parquet floor that brings a piece of nature into the room and complements any interior. In the kitchen or the bathroom, however, it should tile be that are resistant to water and moisture and are easy to maintain. These are available including ceramic, natural stone or terracotta.

Ceramic tiles are sorted by pattern, color and surface treatment relatively inexpensive to purchase, and there are those with natural stone look. Genuine Natural stone tiles can be made ​​of marble, granite, quartzite, travertine, basalt, limestone, sandstone, shale, dolomite or Sepentinit. Especially in modern homes you see often of slate tiles , which are often combined with their dark gray color with various metal objects and furniture. In kitchens and bathrooms we are happy to flooring and kitchen granite countertops, since this is a particularly hard rock variety, which is very tough and water-repellent. The choice of the stone should be not only on your aesthetic sensibilities dependent, it should thereby also be ensured whether the covering in the kitchen or in the bathroom is good.

Because not every stone is impervious to liquids or acidic agents. Of course it is also important that the tile floor is easy to maintain. If the soil regularly and properly maintained, thus keeping this for a lifetime. tiles from natural stone offer a variety of different colors that can have blue, green, brown, red, light pink, yellow, gray, white or black tones. Some of those rocks are mottled or speckled, creating a unique atmosphere can be achieved in space.

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