SEO for YouTube videos

SEO for YouTube videos
Are you uploaded to YouTube every minute 72 hours of new videos. Since a video can already go down once. Especially when you've hardly even channel subscribers, you have visitors from other sources relate.

In this article, we will go to the on-page and off page optimization of YouTube videos.

I try with this article to give you a help at hand to achieve top rankings with your YouTube videos into Google.

Disseminate YouTube video

Today's fastest spreading viral videos, so by sharing on social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Co.

But to trigger such a viral effect is not easy.

One possibility is the Google search dar. your video covers a specific, often sought, you should use keyword from this source of visitors in any case.

The visitors, who pay attention to your video on the Google Search are all the potential candidates that could trigger a viral effect.

Why use a video from YouTube?

Google uses more and more on so-called "trusted domains". These are trusted websites that are already there long, have a good link, are known and have many web requests. How accurate is composed everything and all purely natural factors which count only Google knows itself

YouTube is Google since 2006 and is thus more or less automatically a "trusted domain". This allows YouTube videos to be far easier placed in the Google search, as a video that was uploaded on a small video portal.

How to achieve a good ranking with a YouTube video in Google Search will now be explained in more detail.

There are two basic guidelines:

Take full advantage of that YouTube offers (comments, video responses, likes, title, description, tags, etc.)
Give the search engines a clear indication of what it is in the video (or want to be with what keyword found). Use the title, description, file name, comments, anchor text, etc., for the placement of your keywords.

Onpage optimization

In the on-page optimization title, description and tags can be forgiven.

The most important thing is the title. If the search word in the title that's the first month's rent. I have titles of videos that were to be found at number 50 + in the Google results changed. No later than one hour after the videos with appropriate off page optimization were (I'm still on it below a) on the first page represented.

The description is in our testing along with the video length, the second most important. In the description, the same applies as with other texts. Keywords at the beginning and the end of the text. Links must be set and the text should be at least five sentences long.

The video length should be at least one minute. On the one hand cut from this length videos in the video search better and also watch YouTube users now prefer 1-3 minute videos than 10-seconds or 20-minutes video.

Tags and file name of the video are rather unimportant, but should also be fitted with the search word for the above-mentioned "unique character".

Also video responses below the video a positive contribution to the ranking. To what extent I can not say exactly.

Comments and Likes are especially important in the long term. In the beginning, many positive comments and Likes / Dislikes money good effect on the ranking. There are more comments and likes less initially but the effect is less negative.

Should in order to get comments and likes it best in the video and in the video description to point to post a comment. 

Off page optimization

Even more important than on-page factors are links to your video. Here, you can rely mainly on various bookmarking portals. At least still works quite well at the moment.

If a video can rank more natural and safe as backlink building to be operated as well as websites.

Overall, one should pay attention to a variety of link and video embedding. The links you can use the search word with 65-80% for anchor text. The video should eventually get no penalty.

The bookmark links have the particular advantage that you can push on the first page of Google within 24 hours with the help of this video. But one must then sometimes 1-2 hours work accepted.

An example of such a video is my video for the New Year's Day 2013. It climbs so far in the English Google still ranked 1 of 2 billion! Search results.

Although it is a long tail "New Year's Day 2013," but nevertheless significant, which may be submitted for placement with YouTube videos.

Another example is my YouTube video for "Howard Carter" was uploaded early May 2012 and is the German Google Search still be found on page 1st

Connect YouTube with Google Analytics
As for websites, you can use his Google Analytics account for YouTube. The Analytics data fall slightly different than in websites and YouTube directly to / analytics displayed.

For example, where the playback locations (mobile, embedded on an external website, YouTube) are displayed. There is also a representation of the user interactions. That is, it changes subscribers, as well as ratings, comments, and sharing the videos displayed on social media channels.

But for the latter I recommend more other tools, how to use the addon Seitwert.


All SEO factors for YouTube videos I again Forme in a pie chart in this graph illustrates.

I would recommend optimizing YouTube videos in any case for topics that you yourself would search on Google. All the "fun videos" as "100 epic fails" or "hangover goes water skiing" spread virally rather than that they be searched by search engines and found.

Another clue, if your keyword is visited, offers you the Google Adwords Keyword Tool .

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