Competitive Analysis for SEO

Competitive Analysis for SEO
SEO does not happen just because. For any number of keywords that are worth to be used in an optimization, it is equally be other companies that are trying to give these keywords as well to achieve a higher ranking.

Companies are constantly busy constructing a so-called back link profile that in the search engine rankings (SERP) leads to higher rankings. SEO should be seen as an ongoing process that must be applied permanently face many competitors and intense competition to achieve the desired result as everyone else.

Developing a keyword list and creating content around it appears to be insufficient when it comes to achieving a good ranking with your company compared to other companies in the search engines. You need to spy on the other a little to figure out how to present the other companies, so that you can make things even better, than any other, and perhaps can do things that the others do not do this.

Find out who your competitors are

The easiest way to figure this out is the to use your own key word glossary and see what results you can find on the internet and it appears that companies with the best results. You can also search at Google for similar search terms and thus find out which comes closest to your websites.

Website Analysis

Once you've identified your competitors, analyze their websites and compare exactly with yours. If you have already made ​​with your website a higher ranking, several factors may play a role. We would not go deeper on this here, as any professional SEO agency will be able to advise you in detail what to do in your particular case.

Backlink analysis

It is assumed that 60% of the ranking potential of each site due to inbound links - those links that lead back from other sites on your own.

Also in this area you should pay attention to what other companies do or do not do. With a limited SEO budget, it is recommended to focus on what the others do not.

Competitive analysis is a very intellectually stimulating aspect of an SEO agency. This work is approximately equal to that of a detective, or an exciting game of chess, the webmaster can find out all about the competition and apply methods for you to achieve a better ranking on the search engines.

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