Local SEO Ranking Factors 2013

The annual Local SEO experts survey on the ranking factors in Google's local search is online

As in the years 2010, 2011 and 2012 was also for the current year 2013 of David Mihm , a compilation of relevant positive and negative ranking factors for local search Google published.

Were not yet on the personal blog of the previous investigations David Mihm has been published, this year appeared on the blog of MOZ (formerly SEOMoz) where the famous local SEO expert recently as Local Search Strategist entered is.

Also this year, eighteen recognized experts was asked her opinion on the relevant factors for the local Google search for the area of ​​local search engine optimization again.

The result is, as usual, a very valuable document from which I want to highlight the top 20 screws with Local SEO:

  • Use of correct and meaningful categories at Google+ Local
  • Compliance by the registered location to the desired location
  • Web consistency across the Local Citations (= structured company entries)
  • Quality and authority of the structured company entries
  • Company name, address and contact details on the company's website should match the style and Local Listing
  • Number of structured company entries in the Web
  • Domain authority of the company's website
  • Quality of the confirmed entry Google+ Local
  • City / State / Zip in the page title of the local landing page on the company website
  • Distance from city center
  • Number / AutoriƤt of inbound links to their corporate domain
  • Number of pure style and Reviews
  • Products or services in the company name of Google+ Local entry
  • Number of structured business records to locally-relevant domains
  • Distance between site and search company location (especially mobile)
  • Number of Citations structured on industry-relevant websites
  • Specifying the postcode on the Google+ Page
  • Summary of City / State / Zip on all sub pages of the web site
  • Number of ratings on traditional external evaluation platforms
  • Side of the local authority Landing Page URL of the web site

For me to ask the identified in the study Local SEO ranking factors constitute as relevant and to cover my everyday observations. The information gathered here 20 most important aspects I have highlighted so again, because this already in this country often represent the "tip the scales" because in many industries the competition far is as intense as in the U.S. on the local SERPs.

It follows the way for the coming years for the SEO industry a good opportunity, especially when you consider that in the classic areas, the "room for improvement" is partially already become very closely - in return, waiting for a host of local suppliers it with efficient support now "finally get started with SEO."

Looking at the 180 positive and 30 negative ranking factors listed here so it should be clear how closely Local SEO is both associated with the classic search engine optimization, on the other hand also generate adjusting screws in the context of local search engine optimization, which can be neglected by traditional SEOs .

Interestingly, the panel of experts has divided the individual local ranking factors in different categories, depending on whether they just Google+ Local factors external local factors, on-page signals, link signals, evaluation factors, social signals or factors for users' behavior and personalization represent.

Based on this categorization of the relevant ranking factors, the authors have followed the various different local Google results ( 7-pack or Google Maps, Desktop, Mobile, Local Carousel and localized web search results ) isolated attention to the relevance of the previously defined categories rated.

The result are some interesting charts that suggest that individual ranking categories on the desktop, for example, are less important than for example in mobile search with a smartphone - there are simply different user needs in both situations, Google with correspondingly different results want to use it optimally. This can be done already in just a few searches to understand his smartphone VS Desktop Search ...

Is split the immense list of Local SEO ranking factors in the two areas "Elementary Ranking Factors" and "ranking factors in competitive markets" , what part of a " strategic local search engine optimization makes sense in any case - even if want to estimate where you should set its priorities in the optimization within a limited budget.

Supplemented this list of positive ranking factors through a list of 30 negative ranking factors, ie, those aspects that should be avoided at Local SEO rather, if you do not want to ruin his local rankings. (See " 7 options for the destruction of Google+ Local rankings without touching the computer "as well as" Google Places: 9 common mistakes to ruin the ranking "here on the blog.)

At the end of the article still here as a small screenshot of all the listed Local SEO Ranking Factors in 2013 in a reduced image as a preview of the special hurry.

The original are here to find. There you can also read interesting comments of the authors who were part of the panel of experts interviewed for this survey SEO. As always, I look forward to comments here on the blog and on a fascinating discussion in the Local SEO community on Google Plus.

Local SEO Ranking Factors 2013

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1 Response to Local SEO Ranking Factors 2013

  1. Unknown says:

    Good Stuff, thanks for your time and efforts to educate us. I think one should hire local seo expert for promotion of local business.

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