10 Facts for landing page successful and functional

10 Facts for landing page successful and functional

A Landing Page is needed whenever a product or service should be very clearly pointed to a very specific topic. And a landing page must convert. It does not matter if only data or maybe opinions are represented by customers. If on the Landing Page No target reached (leads, sales, newsletter subscriptions), then they can give confidently. And so you quickly with the theme "Conversion Optimization" in touch when it comes to building functioning landing pages. Basically, the better the landing page is, the more likely you will be successful with it. But what options are there to perform as well as possible and also to sell what is to be sold? I have summarized the creation of a successful landing page in 10 meaningful steps.

1 Meaningful main heading

It depends on what you want to do with your landing page. It is important that you communicate clear, what is involved and what is expected of visitors. Clear announcements work especially well when they are placed quite a clearly defined and easy to understand main heading at the beginning.

Here is the important content is immediately obvious and decides whether the visitor ever dealt with the rest of the landing page.

So it is crucial to get here real facts that actually relate to the following content and the intention of the landing page.

2 Supplementary second headline

If the main heading not sure enough you can let off steam in addition to a second title, but again, less is more. Who has long been active for example on Twitter, will have learned to be brief.

Succinct headings that anteasern the content of the landing page concise, work very well and make sure that the visitor knows immediately what it's about - and whether he (she) is at all correct on this page.

To put it corny to the point: "Brevity is the soul of wit!"

3 Accurate spelling and grammar

This thing should not need any mention, but unfortunately it is a sad reality that many sites come up with some glaring spelling and grammar errors.

This is a problem if one wants to bring a product or service to the man or the woman. What does it say about you and your product, if you are not able to report orthographically correct it?

It just does not make a good impression and ensures that visitors leave a landing page again - and this happens more often than you think.

4 Use symbols of trust

We know it from the advertising, in newspapers and in magazines. And of course, symbols of trust can also be found more often on websites. This is no coincidence. (Official) Confidence symbols provide proven that a user "safe" feeling on a website.

And this desire for security can of course be used for a landing page. Important: The symbols of trust should be based as far as possible rather unobtrusively into the overall design.

It should under no circumstances to give the impression that you want the visitor can "manipulate" with such symbols, so a more subtle use is recommended.

5 Using strong Call-To-Action

A good landing page using a strong call-to-action, which relates not primarily on the color or shape of a particular button. Much more important: make sure By formulating the Call-To-Action that is very clear what you have to do to trigger a specific action.

This can be a simple "click here" to be, but also words such as "Click here immediately to the newsletter now to subscribe to" can work - that always comes all depends on what it is on the Landing Page and what is its purpose.

Basically, it must be ensured even when call-to-action that you're unequivocally expresses itself as the operator of the landing page. Not doing so, you risk the jump of potential prospects, customers or buyer.

6 Emphasize click-buttons clearly

What content applies to the Call-To-Action, are also required in the optical presentation. So it makes little sense, a button to be clicked on to be used in a weak contrast color to the rest of the landing page.

Of course it depends on the overall design of the landing page and so you should not also work with colors and shapes that fall completely out of line. However, it can not hurt to make the button itself, for example greater.

The same goes for the color: you must not be so weak that one overlooks the button. But it must not be too bright, otherwise visitors might feel deterred.

7 Avoid Outgoing links

In my view, outbound links to a landing page have lost anything. Due to legal requirements you must refer to things like privacy but with some landing pages. And of course, needs a single landing page a reference to the masthead of the website to which it belongs.

Generally, however, is a link (whether external or internal), a disturbing factor that can ensure that a visitor clicks it. At best, these visitors will land on a different page within the offer, in the worst case he's out completely, because he had just clicked on an external link.

Then it is no longer sure that these visitors also come back again. The more distractions there are to a landing page, the worse they will convert.

8 Use relevant topics photos

A successful landing page needs to explain to the visitors clear what it is in the offer and what the real advantage is when you take it to complete. All these are usually content to be delivered as text, which does not mean that one must renounce photos - quite the opposite.

Especially well-crafted videos that come quickly to the point and clearly explain what it is on the Landing Page, really catch the eye and provide for more conversion.

Such "Hero Shots" act often wonders and can make even better have a good landing page: For photos, the same applies. It must always be given to thematic relevance. The better this relevance and per-consuming video and other material, the better.

9 All content in the visible range

So much topics relevant content with video, text and buttons will be accommodated, which can become a problem quickly, if you do not just touches her and takes a long time to get down to business. All content for a successful landing page must therefore fit into the immediately visible area.

The technical term for this is "Above The Fold": Everything that is located below the "fold" of a browser window, is thus not immediately seen and that is what is to be avoided. What a potential prospect, customer or buyer does not immediately, perhaps forever remain unseen because it is not necessarily assumed that the visitor actually scrolls.

And if there are elements such as the Call-To-Action in this non-visible area of ​​the browser window, the Landing Page can not convert. It is more likely that such a visitor is confused because the way to completion is not immediately apparent.

10 Constantly test and optimize

It can advance not say with absolute certainty how a successful landing page should look basically. Because it is based on one hand on the requirements of the author, but on the other hand must simultaneously satisfy the needs of visitors, a concept and its resulting implementation is recommended to start such a project.

This, however, is the work not done - on the contrary. After the completion of the landing page, the real work begins, because from now on must be tested again and again how good the landing page works. This can be done with traditional A / B testing.

Also the delivery of dynamic content, which is based, for example, at the origin of individual visitors or other individual factors into account, can bring important insights and contribute to the continuous improvement of the landing page. This in turn then provides better performance and more success.

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