9 Steps to resuscitate a dying Blogs

Blogs are great because they allow us to quickly and easily publish content. We can talk about interesting topics, link up, discuss. With a few clicks of a based for example on WordPress blog is set up - quite go there. What appears on the one hand as a blessing, may on closer examination turn out to be a curse, because a blog is only very rarely a self-runner. As in any successful product and a lot of work in a high-traffic blog. Not everyone (hobby) Webmaster by holding the long run and make it again and again to produce new and exciting content . And so many blogs eke out a scruffy shadows and vegetate on the edge of the digital irrelevance. A dying blog is not a nice thing, but the good news is that a remedy is. Specifically, 9 means that a total yield a solid rescue plan. But what are the 9 steps? I have a considerable insight into the topic and deliver the recipe to dying blogs with this article.

1 Make survey of current users

Even if a blog is already on the brink of the abyss, there is often still people who do not care for him. This can be a community or to contacts from a newsletter mailing list Facebook. And if all else fails, then you ask a few friends and relatives, what you should improve on his blog in their opinion.

In this way, you get guaranteed useful suggestions. Perhaps these are no easy recipes - yet these statements for new impulses and ideas can provide, with which the blog can be guided back on track. Prerequisite is that you seriously receives the feedback from such a survey and is also willing to conform to it.

Sometimes there may be measures that one appear even inappropriate at first glance. However, if you is not here to experiment, his blog might as well make tight. In such surveys, although would love to come sometimes unusual statements such as higher demands on a screen design or the desire to use additional elements to share content - all seemed already. Any feedback but is useful and can make sure to keep your own blog before the downfall.

2 Current study results

In this context, it is advisable to examine exactly which delivers results of the current blog-a-days. What content is still haunted? How to remaining users move to the sides? And if nothing is going on: What content there was in the past, the highest coverage successes?

Based on these findings, one can consider which thematic direction makes sense for a reboot of the blog. Oppositely works similar to the way: If a blog alive and well and still gets no traffic, then also is a look at the alignment recommended. Perhaps the current topic of the blog is simply not suitable to attract visitors to a certain scale. Problems can also arise if the content is poorly edited.

Writing is not for everyone, misspellings and incorrect grammar can deter users, even if they are interested in the topic. But do not worry: Write one can learn!

3 Rethink original goal

What was the actual goal you want to accomplish with his blog? Was it about making money or was rather the representation of oneself being considered? If you wanted to draw attention to his travel reports or help others with useful articles? If a blog is dying, the original goal you have to stop and analyze whether this goal is realistic at all in mind. If not, is there smaller, subordinate intermediate goals on the way to the actual target? Or is this goal so much out of thin air, that it can never be achieved most likely?

These questions have to ask yourself when you do not want to waste pointless time and energy. Who is intensively with these questions, you may also come to the conclusion that the ultimate goal is total nonsense. In this case it is often a better option, the blog actually to close and widmem to a new, better target. If the own blog is still to save, you have to organize its efforts under the new objectives and ensure that you reach at least these objectives with reasonable effort.

Anything else would be not effective at all and medium to long term also very frustrating. Frustration can seem grueling and ultimately ensure that you completely give up blogging, which is always the worst option in my view, if one basically has the desire to run a blog and likes to write.

4 Analyze target group new

A look at the target group may be revealing. Is the topic of a blog at all suitable to achieve a critical mass of users? The target group really interested in the topics offered? Are the visitors who have visited the blog in the past, do not become regular readers, because the subjects were boring or copied?

Uniqueness is very important if a blog is to be successful. Topics of interest must also be conveyed exciting and at the same time have an entertainment value if they are well received in the target group. And that's one of the sticking points, because if the target group is missed quite simply, they can of course also incorrect address.

In the case of a realignment is inevitable and should then be pulled through consistently. What can happen in the worst case? If a blog is already so poorly frequented that such far-reaching measures need to be taken, then it can only get better.

5 Scatter less broad topics

Extensive content analysis will probably ensure that glaring weaknesses are visible. That's good, because only then will you have a clear starting point for action. An intensive cleaning who also like can result in a reduction of a blog on a thematic level, is recommended. This is ultimately still better that repeatedly make the same mistakes and hope that things will get better eventually.

Blogs with many topics and a broad focus have it in my opinion harder. Of course there are successful exceptions, but rather prove the rule. Basically niche sites have the better chances. Why? It's simple: A niche site can take care of a very specific subject. Since then it might not be something to report every day of the doubt. This is not only true for normal blog, but also for corporate blogs.

However, if a piece of news out to the world wants, then this news is also consumed reliably. This is related to that niche sites can become an authority in their subject area much faster and easier. Once that is done, the access numbers are continuously rising.

6 Note timings for publication

It's always all about timing. The question of when to his audience best not achieved and when, is as old as mankind. With 100% certainty, I can not say, but I do not think the ancient Romans have gladiators preferably early in the morning sent her into the arena. For the same reason the news by 20 clock and the "blockbuster" runs runs on every channel 15 minutes later. Why? Since then, most people tend to consume exactly this content.

And even if these habits change just through the Internet, but the principle remains the same: If one wants to achieve its target audience, then you have to be present at precisely the time at which it is the target group. New Germany is called then "Social timing". Who wants to preserve his blog before the abyss, also needs to know when its own content can be sent with as much range and then divided later. The only way you can reach the reader.

For error analysis also recommend taking a look into the past. At what times we used to reach the most users? And if you have not reached the user, what was that? What times did not work and which ones should you use instead? The exclusion principle is helpful here: Who avoids the times that have not earlier works, will be more successful with other times - so at least the presumption. Tests must of course be carried out. If this is done systematically, then you have after a certain time exactly the time of day in their sights, which include the best ranges are possible.

7 Design editorial calendar

Planning is half the battle, and even if it sounds boring: The much-cited "creative chaos" can also be a burden. What do you do when you like wants to publish content, up to date but no idea for a new article has? This happens quite often and this is exactly why it is extremely useful if you are prepared. Just that works with an editorial plan, because an editorial plan includes topics that can be processed - and in stock! Additional advantage is that you can collect issues that a run on the road.

I myself find every day a potential new topics for my website or the numerous other publications on which I publish. If I had to think up a new theme every day, then that would be associated with more effort. But because I discover every day topics that I could process my collection of topics continues to grow - and hence also my editorial calendar. These editorial calendar you can keep. And it should happen that a current event occurs, what is strictly has to be written once, then this topic is inserted.

The editorial calendar remains Backup and ideas for future content. In this way, the issues are not exclusive and can be processed as required, for the editorial calendar does not have to force chronological processed. This is essential for large newsrooms, a collection of topics that serves as an editorial plan, but also serves its purpose.

8 Improve blog design

Often, the best content is useless if it is poorly prepared. A non-successful blog design is the inclusion of content definitely opposed. Although you should to start a blog does not necessarily immediately invest much capital in the design, especially for WordPress there are plenty of cheaper themes that you can use in the initial phase. Eventually it will but then needed the blog visually pimp.

Ideally, the blog design supports the content and directs the eye of the user explicitly to the content. Distracting content are definitely to be avoided. The content is the focus because it communicates itself informative about him. Disturbing elements or inappropriate colors can have a negative impact on the usability and ensure that content less or not be consumed. In many cases, it is also useful if the design of a blog is to support a brand, a company or a person visually.

For these reasons, you should take plenty of time and undergo their own blog an accurate diagnosis. What looks good, what is not? What elements produce the desired results, which may distract? After such an analysis usually occur on a number of issues that need to be improved. And who does not know, just like your own blog should look like in the future, may also be in the competition, or generally other blogs for inspiration, because that's allowed - should not just steal it!

9 Accelerate blogger relations

In the age of social networks digital relationships between individuals are more important than ever. What social media applies in particular, is absolutely necessary in the blogsphere. The connection to other bloggers can ensure that you are perceived even stronger. Therefore you have to get in touch with other bloggers, which can happen, for example, about meaningful comments. Sensible comments on the articles of other bloggers are helpful to draw attention to themselves and that has nothing to do with search engine optimization to do.

For this reason, a comment on a blog is always written with his own name. No fake names, no fancy words or SEO keywords, all that is taboo! The real reason is to point to sophisticated manner the operator of the blog and its readers that you exist and even that one may express qualified on a topic. Using this method over a longer period of one's own person other and thus take also of the own blog note be.

This can cause you get more regular readers, the number of RSS subscribers can rise and this could lead to comments. All of these factors make the own blog more valuable because it is frequented more. Through the targeted positive development of blogger relations so you are able to strengthen their own blog to the outside world.

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