Page Rank Sculpting

Online SEO Tutorial | Articlezeneu

The information hierarchy and internal linking have underlines the importance of a well-planned site structure. By the so-called Page rank sculpting allows the internal linking concerning the inherited LinkPower be further optimized.

The fact that the Page rank divides a page on all linked pages, suggests that it is better for the individual linked sites, the less links reside on the link referring page , because then there remains a percentage greater power for the remaining links. But since it may not be possible links to remove completely, one has to resort to various other techniques.

A good practical example of wasted link power is the linking of the imprint , which is usually performed on each bottom and is required by law in commercial sites, for example. However, should a legal notice only in the rarest of cases, a good ranking in search engines achieve, so that one can speak of a waste of link power.

Objectives of the Page rank sculptings

The goal of Page rank sculptings is thus the preservation of functionality (or the scope of the functionality) with simultaneous optimization of the internal linking structures. This can be effectively achieved so far, however, only in two ways:

  • dynamic generation of links using JavaScript
  • deliver various source code for web crawlers and real visitors
Previously, there was still the possibility of Page rank sculpting labeled unimportant internal links with the nofollow attribute to achieve. However, it was officially announced in June 2009 by Matt Cutts that links with the nofollow attribute inherit any link power , but still lead to the other links on the same percentage inherit website less power. The following figure visualizes the goal of Page rank sculptings.

Objectives of the Page rank sculptings

Dynamic creation of links with JavaScript

In this way the Page rank sculptings is the document.write () command dynamically creates a hyperlink. however, according to its own statement, Google is able to interpret JavaScript.

Therefore, the appropriate code must be placed in a function, then using robots.txt from access by web crawlers is protected.

The disadvantage of this method of Page rank sculptings is that then a link is no longer accessible for all users with JavaScript disabled. Based on the above example Imprint this can lead to legal problems for commercial websites.

Deliver various sources

Google's crawler identifies a particular user agent identifier by which you can distinguish it from normal users and other crawlers. Due to this distinction, it is possible to present the crawler, a modified version of a website.

Generally one summarizes this approach, however, the term "cloaking" together. Cloaking is against the Google webmaster guidelines and can lead to the discovery of the index at the exclusion of a website. Of this type of Page rank sculptings therefore is strictly discouraged.

Link consolidation

In summary, one can say that the Page rank sculpting can be achieved satisfactorily by any of the methods mentioned. The previous best option is to summarize unimportant pages as much as possible (for example, the Contacts and the contact information ). This technique is also referred to as link consolidation known.

Also note that the Page rank principle now probably no longer on the Random Surfer but according to the Reasonable Surfer model works and one can assume that unprominent placed links also generally bequeath less link power. For sub-pages as Imprint, Contact, etc. So for example, offers a placement in the footer of a website.

Page rank Sculpting - Summary

Page rank sculpting by the internal flow of link power should be optimally controlled so that important pages and much unimportant pages to get little to no internal link power. The term Page rank sculpting here means something like "to shape the Page rank."

In general, the Page rank sculpting is rather to be regarded as secondary. The most sensible pooling of link power can be achieved through a well thought Webseitenarchtitektur that Page rank sculpting is then still only the finishing touches.

Finally, once the most important facts about Page rank sculpting in brief:
  • Page rank sculpting is used to optimize the distribution of internal link power
  • Page rank sculpting can not be realized with nofollow
  • Generally it is advisable to ascribe the Page rank sculpting too much importance and use in no way illicit techniques or limit the usability of the site

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