On page optimization

Online SEO Tutorial | Articlezeneu

The term On page optimization one summarizes all measures that can be carried out on a web page itself around in search engines to be listed for a better term. Besides the pure mention of the search term are behind the On page optimization a number of other factors which are described below.

The structure and form of HTML pages

The structure of a website should be thought through before their creation. What content is important? What subpages result from this? How can I categorize these pages useful? The answers to these questions are essential for On page optimization. Based on this, must continue to be decided, such as which pages are linked to each other and how this can be communicated to Google.

Meta Information

Meta information provide more information about the actual statement of a website. This meta information are varied and offer a large potential for optimizing the On page optimization, search engine because they give a clear indication about the treated subject.

Content - The content of a website

The content of a website is the goal of the search engines. It provides the actual information and is the most interesting for the visitors. Through various methods of information retrieval search engines try to categorize the contents of a website for weight.

Syntactic distinction

The vast majority of today's web pages based on HTML. This text markup language provides many ways to structure a text, and particularly distinguish certain parts. For search engines this is the factor On page optimization also a help in the identification of relevant concepts within.

On page optimization - Summary

The On page optimization deals with the elements (text, markup, internal linking, etc.) on a web page. Thus, it represents the counterpart to OffPage optimization dar. In general, the influence of On page optimization is subordinated to the OffPage optimization. It must not be forgotten that the source code of a web page, the first point of contact with the crawler is a search engine. many websites give away at the On page optimization potential , because the keywords are not strong enough anviesierten focused.

Even without the actual meaning of the text to understand, one can clearly see that there are provided information on "On page optimization".

Finally, once the most important facts about On page optimization in a nutshell:

On page optimization describes the exploitation of potential for optimization directly on a web page
By On page optimization of a search engine can be told the topic of a website
On page optimization should go hand in hand with the usability. This means in particular that Web pages are mainly for users to read and should be operated

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